Friday, June 12, 2009

What a way to start the day...

Well, where do I even begin. It has been a while since I last really posted so this is probably going to be a looooong one, then again maybe not. I will just go in order so I do not leave anything out. I graduated ACU, Waaa Hooo!!! That was great and I am done. I start grad school at Florida Tech in July for my MBA! That should be fun. I am currently still job hunting and hopefully will find something soon, it would really help :)

In this time we discovered that Kaden was having trouble sleeping so we took him to the ENT only to find out that they wanted to take his tonsils and adenoids out. So, we said ok and they did the surgery on Friday, June 5. It has been about a week since then and poor Kaden still is not feeling himself. He will not really eat or drink and does not even talk, hard to believe I know :) He has his post-op appointment Monday so hopefully he will be a little better then. He is currently stil on pain meds, poor baby :(

Well, the other two kiddos are doing great. They are actually halarious!! I love it!!! Braxton is also doing good.

So, I woke up this morning to give Kaden his pain meds at 4:10 and walked in the kids room and up popped Tytan. What a start! So, Ty and I played and got some things around the house done until Kaden woke up about 5:30. Then I had to fight Kaden to eat something so he could take his meds, they make his tummy upset otherwise and we do not want to go down that road again. It happened earlier this week and it was not pretty and I am sure it hurt pretty bad. So, I finally get him to take 4 small bites of yogurt and take his meds. By this time Tytan was totally ready to go back to sleep. So, I go to lay the boys down and up pops Britlynn. Thankfully, she was not at all ready to get up yet and let me cover her up and went back to sleep. So, now all the kids are asleep and I am pretty much awake. I was hoping playing around on the computer would make me tired. I think it might have worked, but now I bet they will be up about the time a pass out. Isn't that how it usually works for us moms :) Oh well, atleast I am a morning person.

So, I will really try to post some pics soon. I have some cute ones of the kids playing in the sprinkler yesterday...they LOVED it. I hope everyone has a blessed day/weekend!!! Hey it is Friday after all :)

Man, I almost forgot...Kaden has a mohawk!! Long story, but it took four people and we did it the night before surgery :) (pictures coming for sure)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Very Cute Give Away :)

Well, I ran across this website and thought her stuff is way to cute.
Go check it out!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two weeks and counting....

Well the title sums it up and I can hardly wait!!! I only have one week of class and three finals, woooo hooooo!!! I will try to post some pictures soon!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


So, I am way behind on updating everything. The end of the semester has been soooo crazy. So, here is the update.

Braxton: He has been in training at BCBS since Feb 16. He now has only about 2 weeks left and we are excited about that!!! He will also start back to school in the fall and hopefully graduate a year later.

Kaden: He is doing great!! Since my last post we have had his 4th birthday and Easter. Both which were a blast. He is looking forward to to starting pre-k in August at Abilene Christian Schools. He can hardly wait.

Britlynn: What a girl!!! She is a hand full and had a mind of her own. She is definitely miss independent around here. She is a do it herself kind of girl. And according to her she is not a baby!!! We have entered the world of potty training and have gotten rid of the binky!! Our house is now binky free :)

Tytan: Well, he is now the big 1! He is walking around and a character all on his own!! He is to funny!! But he does know what he wants and when he wants it...but you cant help but love him!

Me: Well, the graduation count down has begun. 2 weeks of class+1 week of finals=graduation!!! I am very excited!!! I am also on the hunt for a job here in town. Suggestions are!!!

Well that about sums it up. So I will leave you with some recent pictures of the kiddos and our busy times...